Australian Life Coaching for Success and Mastery - using the heart centered approach by Bren Murphy Call 1300 084 004 for a personal coaching consultation.
Coaching for individual success - be it in sport, business or relationships - is dependent on making the right mindset shift to evolve with your changing circumstances.
Success has been defined as a favourable outcome, a positive result or a victory or triumph.
Your Future Self Exercise What is the Future Self? Your Future Self is the person you become as a result of the choices, decisions and random acts of life that occur from this point forward. You evolve and grow and are shaped by the events of your life, and the you in 20 years is not the same as what you imagine you might be, sitting here at this moment. "Human beings are works in progress that mistakenly think they're finished." Dan Gilbert shares recent research on a phenomenon he calls the "end of history illusion," where we somehow imagine that the person we are right now is the person we'll be for the rest of time. Hint: that's not the case. The Future Self Visualisation This Future Self Visualization is based on a the actual hypnotherapy script I use for real one to one personal coaching sessions. It's a powerful awareness raising exercise and brings to light the impact our current life choices (and lack of clarity and p...
Stallholders at Australian Markets Invited To Join our Directory! W elcome to the world of being a stallholder at a Local Australian Marke t! Local Markets have taken off over the past decade as people like you seek to make a meaningful connection with place, process and product. No longer is it good enough to present food of questionable origin, or buy clothes produced in sweatshops and not feel as you are as much a part of the problem for supporting it with your purchase. P eople have wised up to the idea that wearing a new $4 shirt means someone, somewhere in the world, has had to work by hand on that item in appalling conditions for as low as $1 for a 14 hour day. Going to the markets offers you the opportunity to connect with the producer of the item, and buying from the markets acts directly in supporting the stallholder to continue her handmade work. W hat's more - you can interact directly with manufacturer or artist and perhaps order a custo... arts and crafts website Please download you free ebook and join Find Handmade Australia here. Keeping it handmade is a great idea that people love dearly about going to the markets. Original, quirky and re used products make going to the market an adventure with unexpected surprises. Keeping in touch with your local markets network is a great way to eat in season fruit, re-use and recycle local products and turn over some cash direct to local people. Everything looks fresh and clean in the morning light and a quick smile and willingness to put a fair price on a product means yu have every chance of making a sale. Going to the Markets is always new experience with fresh food, friendly faces and fairs fees the secret to a successful market stall in Australia.
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