Stallholders Help Getting Found Online

 Stallholders at Australian Markets Invited To Join our Directory!
 image of pieces of frshly cut rockmelons and the word fresh

image of shopfront of High Tea With Mrs Woo Darby St Cooks HillWelcome to the world of being a stallholder at a Local Australian Market!

Local Markets have taken off over the past decade as people like you seek to make a meaningful connection with place, process and product.

No longer is it good enough to present food of questionable origin, or buy clothes produced in sweatshops and not feel as you are as much a part of the problem for supporting it with your purchase.

People have wised up to the idea that wearing a new $4 shirt means someone, somewhere in the world, has had to work by hand on that item in appalling conditions for as low as $1 for a 14 hour day.

Going to the markets offers you the opportunity to connect with the producer of the item, and buying from the markets acts directly in supporting the stallholder to continue her handmade work.

What's more - you can interact directly with manufacturer or artist and perhaps order a custom item, or look at other related work she offers.

All this is brilliant in the bustle and sunlight of the markets - but what about the in between days, when you are back at your nine to five and you still want some inflow of orders and would like to be seen by potential buyers?

That's where we help, with a listing in the marketsdirectory we offer you better exposure in the major search engines like Google, Bing and Yahoo and direct traffic from the markets directory community.


  1. Hi, we have just updated our list of resources and online tools to assist in getting your small business (because that's what any emerging stallholder is) up and running and ready to function effectively in the marketplace. Come over and have a look, it's worth your while.

    1. Sending Christmas Hampers at this time of year is a timely reminder of the power of staff referral and employee rewards.

  2. I like where you are headed with this post - just by making price the most important variable people are sacrificing way too much. Paying a small premium for handmade local goods is the least we can do.

  3. Find out more about the past by visiting the Brisbane Markets History Collection Room which tells the tales of 150 years of Central Market history.

    There's plenty in store for you in Qld..

  4. The AMSRS Directory is a comprehensive list of AMSRS members who have listed their companies - you're welcome to come and browse and even join.

  5. Famous Australian businesses that started their lives working the crowd at a market stall.

  6. If you are a stallholder who sells products
    or exhibits at markets or trade fairs,you might consider insurance.


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