Find Handmade in Australia

Handmade Cake Stands using upcycled plates and saucers
This could be the start of something beautiful - or it could be a confusing mess - so let people know who you are as succinctly and to the point as possible. Here's some suggestions from
Be Honest about Yourself
In the handmade sector people love quirky- right? It's part of the reason we're all here looking for something a bit left field and not traipsing up and down the aisles at target. So be yourself and just tell your story – chances are what you do will be quite distinctive and set you apart from even the closest competitor in your niche. Be a bit generic about some specifics so they can't totally stalk your whole previous life, but don't overly dress it up. Your story is original, unique and authentic just by being yours.
Keep it Simple
We're all proud of some achievements – but keeping it short and to the point is what we are all about here. Mention the keywords of what you do and where you are likely to be found – all in nice snappy sentences that are easy to read and digest. People want to be able to get the gist of you at a glance – perhaps not have your whole life story played out in all it's monotone glory. Remember you are selling a version of your story so keep it simple, concise and almost intriguing to lure the reader into want to know more. About You - and of course your products.
If You're Small – It's OK
I used to be a sucker for this one myself – writing that I was part of a digital collective or online team – when in fact is was pretty much me and me alone except for a some tech support every now and then. After a while I realised it's just plain dumb to pretend you are part of some multinational conglomerate when someone rings you and they can hear your one year old gurgling in the background. By being honest and just telling them like it was, I actually got more respect and kudos for just being me – and didn't have to keep the charade going for the next time. Be honest and let them know it's just you – plenty of people are still dreaming of working for themselves.


  1. It is worthwhile regularly updating relevant and original content to your niche specific blogs.

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  3. Ever wondered how to get handmade items from Australia?


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