Account Creation

Account Creation

There are not many variables that can be modified to dramatically increase retention of visitors and convert a visitor into a customer like not requiring account creation.

When you force visitors to create an account and verify their email address prior to placing an order, you create an opportunity for the visitor to step out of the buying funnel and leave your site altogether. This means you have lost a potential customer simply by requiring account creation.

We have seen dramatic increases in conversion simply by removing the account creation step.

People who are ready to buy see email confirmation as unnecessary and will look elsewhere.

Limit the steps and clicks between the visitor deciding to buy and actually carrying through with the order and you get an increase in sales.

If you must have account creation, make it a natural part of the buying process that occurs simultaneously with placing an order – this way you get the sale and the account created without the risk of losing the sale altogether.

For a simple, easy to use directory that will place your site amongst niche specific websites like yours, submit your url to the Australian Markets Directory – a fast growing, rapidly expanding and well promoted directory for local markets, stallholders and individuals.

Most importantly, your listing will be human edited for quality and relevance, which ensures only genuine fair dinkum Australian Market Stallholders and Organisers are granted permission to list in the directory.



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